We are making big updates to our site, changes coming!
And, oh the things we could do …
So... uhm... why?
The current political landscape in North America is a hodge-podge of sub-optimal mixed with hopeless, with a dash of ‘Why?? For the sake of the children!’
The Party Party is here to raise the bar of political discourse to something that is marginally acceptable.
And just who are you?
We are your co-workers, friends, family, acquaintances, people who laugh at your jokes - your support network. We are here to accept you as you are and any discretionary income you wish to push our way.
We’re here to ensure that the voice of the little guy or gal gets the platform and exposure they so rightly deserve.
Right now we may be few, but we aspire to be many (or whatever the minimum is for us to be eligible for group discounts).
If I was desperate, could I join?
Short answer: Yes. Long answer: PLEASE!!!!!
We're just figuring out the 'membership' thing, but rest assured, you will certainly have the opportunity to be part of the biggest political party on earth.
Are the drinks free? No. Do we supply chips? Maybe.
Will we offer an opportunity and platform to discuss gripping social, economic and cultural topics regarding local, national and international policy? Yes, but It depends how loud the music is and, frankly, if you're interesting enough for us to strain to listen.
Can we buy t-shirts? 100% YES!
I'm intrigued and slightly nauseated. How do learn more?
– Our Policy –
We have not yet fully developed our policy, but we have seriously considered the adherence to a manifesto that ensures energy conservation and and establishment of a democratic institution of energy development.
We call this the Crouch Manifesto.
Click the image to the right to download and read it. >>
– Membership –
Coming soon!
– Blog –
Recent Posts
– Store –
– Contact Us –
Send us an email
We would love to hear from you as we so maniacally march toward the democratic pinnacle of power that we ultimately desire... er... wait, let us try that again.
We would love to hear from you as together we look to make a wonderful change for the better in this crazy mixed up world.
There, that's better.